Thursday, November 5, 2009

Light a Candle because they are beautiful and they smell wonderful

We will be lighting some candles at our house today, It's my BIRTHDAY!

When we have a birthday at our house, the birthday person gets to pick out where they want to go out to eat, and everyone has to agree.

Beeswax candles, smell so yummy!

My favorite scents are clove, cinnamon, hearth, pine, beeswax
I burn scented candles all the time.  I have candles all over the house

I sell Real Estate, when I do an Open House, the smell of a candle is always
so welcomed by guests coming in

I leave a window candle in my upstairs window, which is always lite,
I never turn it off, it stays lit 24/7
It's my memory candle in honor of my mom and my brother

Happy Friday
Blessings ~ Cheryl


  1. Hi Cheryl! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I hope you have a wonderful one! I too love a good candle...vanilla is my favorite. Just became a follower...I can't resist all things white! Hope you will do the same. I have some great things to come! ;o) ~mary~

  2. Happy Birthday Cheryl! Enjoy all the good things that come your way today :)

  3. Blessings on your birthday! I love candles as well...used to buy them and 'hoard 'em', duh! Now I burn them as well all the time. I search them out where ever I go...even in Target, I have to at least wander down the candle isle! I've also made candles, which is a lot of fun. I purchase the beeswax from beekeepers on Ebay at very reasonable prices! So have a great day, and do lots of special things 'just for you'!

  4. Happy Birthday! I love lit candles, especially at this time of year. Just don't get the faux kind. LOL! (I just posted about them today. They are a whole lot of wrong.)

  5. Good morning and a very Happy Birthday to you, Cheryl!!

    I love candles too....most any flavor..
    Your pictures are lovely, I love the candle with the sparkles and acorns...
    Have a wonderful day!

  6. We are kindred spirits my friend. I love the same scents! My family has the same tradition on bdays too. Mine was yesterday, today is my sisters. We had a lovely night out at a new restaurant near our home.
    Happy Birthday, enjoy the day.

  7. Hi Cheryl! So nice to meet you!
    Happy belated birthday! I hope it was a wonderful day and an even more wonderful year!
    Thank you for your comment on the shelter dogs! I think those girls are so wonderful to be saving these precious angels. Thank you so much for making a donation!!
    I'm enjoying your blog... I love all things white and linen also! Oh, and The Wizard of Oz if my favorite movie too! Even have the soundtrack;)!


Angels who have left a part of their wings