Thursday, October 29, 2009

All Hallow's Eve

In old England cakes were made for the wandering souls, and people went "a' soulin'" for these "soul cakes." Halloween, a time of magic, also became a day of divination, with a host of magical beliefs: for instance, if persons hold a mirror on Halloween and walk backwards down the stairs to the basement, the face that appears in the mirror will be their next lover.



  1. I may be in the minority .... but I think gravestones are so full of cultural markers that they are kinda like architectural time capsules!! Thanks for sharing some of what is often unappreciated artwork.
    Hugs ...
    Betty :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi there,
    found your blog via the White Wednesday at Faded Charm. WW's are a great way to get to know a whole bunch of wonderful fellow bloggers sharing the same passions and inclinations. I'm so glad I've met you.
    You have a lovely blog and love your Old England Halloween eve mirror legend.
    Halloween is a rather new thing in Italy, with no tradition background and no real celebrations. So I looooove to learn all about it so that I can share with my teenage daughter who, BTW, will be going to a Halloween party tomorrow.
    Come and visit me at
    I'll be delighted to show you around and share some different home-decor related traditions!

    P.S. I have a similar mirror, but unfortunately no staircase as I live in an apartment so cannot give the legend a try...

  4. Stop - don't stop! I am charmed by the whites and the creams and the shapes in your posts! Thanks you so much for a great visit on what was a hellish day in a high school health room. I'll be back - Jennifer



Angels who have left a part of their wings